Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School


Autumn Term 1

Week 7 - 19.102.23 - Making Flapjacks

Week 7 - 17.10.23 - Conker rolling and apple printing

Week 6 - 09.10.23 - Collecting Autumn resources

Week 5 - 05.10.23 - Enjoying the outdoor environment

Week 4 - 28.09.23 - Learning about Autumn

Week 3 - 21.09.23 - Baking Cheese and Broccoli Scones

Week 3 - 20.09.23 - WOW Day - Teddy Bears Picnic

Week 2 - 12.09.23 - Construction and more

Week 2 - 11.09.23 - Exploring the environment

Week 1 - 07.09.23 - Settling into nursery


