Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School


Safeguarding & Child Protection

Pear Tree Infant and Walbrook Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


We have a robust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in place, which enables staff and volunteers to be confident in identifying and raising concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Leads.


The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:



Mrs. B Suddhi

Head Teacher

Designated Safeguarding


Mrs. S Khan

Deputy Head Teacher

Deputy Safeguarding



Mrs B Suddhi is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for our school and nursery, with responsibility for all Looked After Children (LAC).  Mrs S Khan is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.  


Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and any concerns should be referred to the school.


School can be contacted out of school hours/school holidays about any safeguarding concerns by emailing the below address:

Please be advised that this inbox will be checked intermittently during school holidays and out of hours.


If you have an urgent safeguarding concern that requires immediate attention during school holidays or out of school hours, please contact:


Derby Children’s safeguarding board urgent referrals:

01332 641172

Careline out of hours:
01332 786968



For more information regarding Derby City safeguarding procedures can be found here: 

Derby Safeguarding Children Partnership (


Useful links for support for Parents/Carers


