Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School



Year 1 and 2 Swimming – 2023/24


We are excited to introduce swimming lessons for our Year 1 and Year 2 children during this academic year.  During the Autumn and Spring term, Year 2 children will attend Moorways, and during the Spring and Summer term, Year 1 will attend.


Qualified teaching staff employed by Moorways will be in the pool with the children, teaching them basic swimming skills.  Swimming lessons will give your child valuable skills for their future, it will teach them all about water safety, will provide them with weekly physical exercise, improve their energy levels, as well as helping them to sleep.


The children will travel to Moorways on the school minibus on Friday afternoons starting Friday 15th September 2023.  Willow Tree class will need to have their swimming kit ready for the first Friday 15th September.





Willow (Miss Mc)

Friday 15th September – Friday 27th October 2023

Cedar (Miss Osborn)

Friday 10th November – Friday 22nd December 2023

Birch (Ms. Butler)

Friday 12th January– Friday 16th February 2024


Oak (Miss Abraham)

Friday 1st March – Friday 29th March 2024

Ash (Miss Murphy)

Friday 19th April – Friday 24th May 2024

Palm (Miss Gaskin)

Friday 7th June – Friday 19th July 2024


All children will be included in these lessons; they will need to bring a small bag containing their kit.



