Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School


Inclusiveness and SEND


Inclusive Provision SEND


At Pear Tree Infant School and Walbrook Nursery, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible provision for vulnerable children. 

In recognition of our quality first provision we have been accredited with the SEND inclusion award.


Sensory Room

Pear Tree Infant School


We are very lucky to have received a £10K installation in our bespoke sensory room at Pear Tree Infants. This has been designed with the children’s needs in mind, and provides a safe space for letting off steam, meeting sensory processing needs, as well as calming and relaxing. The sensory room includes a warm water bed, soft padding to walls and floor, an interactive LED light tube, fibre optic harness, colour changing cause and effect cube, integrated music system, ceiling mirror and stars, wall projector, and spinning glitter ball. The facility has been kindly funded by the children’s charities Variety, and Lifeline4Kids.  

Sensory Room

Walbrook Nursery 


Children at Walbrook Nursery use the sensory room as regulation space to meet their sensory processing needs.  Children are able to relax in a quiet and cosy space, spin on the whizzy dizzy, look at books about their interests, interact with "cause and effect" toys, watch the lights, "chill out" under a weighted blanket, and turn the bubble tubes.  Children also have the opportunity to complete a daily sensory circuit where they engage with alerting, organising and calming activities so that they feel ready to learn in the main nursery room.


Derby City Council Local Offer


What is the Local Offer?

Derby’s SEND Local Offer is an online, one stop shop for parents and young people to find out about the services

and support on offer to children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs

and/or Disabilities.


(SEND) in the city. Derby City Council, along with all other local authorities, are required to publish

information about services they expect to be available in their area.


Derby City’s Local Offer is available here: . It tells parents how

to access services and support in Derby City and what to expect from these services, including

details of Higher Needs Funding and Education and Health Care Plans.   


Pear Tree Infant and Walbrook Nursery School SEND Policy


