Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School


Autumn term 1

Week 8 - 23.10.23 - English - Using our senses to explore Neverland

Week 7- 20.10.23 - Homework Celebration

Week 7 - 18.10.23 - Art Observation Drawing

Week 6 - 13.10.23 - Maths - Addition using diennes and units

Week 6 - 11.10.23 - Computing

Week 5 - 3.10.23 - Story Sequencing

Week 4 - 27.09.23 - PE - Balancing

Week 3 - 19.09.23 - Science - Investigating the suitability of materials for a hammock

Week 1 - 07.09.23 - WOW Day - Cromford Canal


