Pomphlett Primary School

Pear Tree Infant and

Walbrook Nursery School


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment. Have a look at our "Recent Events" in the Newsletters section.

  • School Closures

    Mon 04 Jan 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I would like to thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented and challenging times.


    Following on from the government’s announcement this evening regarding school closures, I have to inform you that Pear Tree Infants will close to children tomorrow, and until further notice. 

    Walbrook Nursery will also be closed tomorrow, and at this time, it is unclear whether we will be able to open for all children.


    I will be in touch again over the next few days to advise you of our plans going forward and assure you we will do all we can to support you at home with your children. 

    As always, if you have any concerns or queries please do contact me.


    Kind regards,

    Mrs B Suddhi, Head Teacher

  • Covid Symptoms at Home Flow Chart

    Mon 21 Sep 2020
  • Welcome to Our School

    Wed 09 Sep 2020

    Welcome back to Pear Tree Infants and Walbrook Nursery!


    It has been lovely to see so many of our children back and to welcome our new nursery and reception children.  It has been an absolute pleasure to see their happy faces as they continue their education with us.


    I would like to thank parents for their cooperation in maintaining social distancing at school drop off and pick up times, and would kindly ask you to ensure this continues when lining up on the pavement outside of the gate.


    It is very important that parents only attend school at the designated times for your child's year group and do not come any earlier, this is to ensure that we maintain safety and comply with COVID-19 policies and procedures. Please only allow one parent/carer to bring your child/children to school to minimise the number of adults on site.


    Year Group

    Morning drop off

    After school pick up

    Foundation Stage

    Cherry Tree

    Plum Tree

    Apple Tree



    Year One

    Oak Tree

    Palm Tree

    Ash Tree



    Year Two

    Birch Tree

    Willow Tree

    Cedar Tree



  • School opening for all children from Monday 7th September

    Wed 02 Sep 2020

    Mon 23 Mar 2020

    During our school closure we have provided parents with activity booklets that can be done at home to support your children's learning. Please see your child's Class Page > Home Learning. We have compiled a list of free websites and apps that you can access to further support your children, these can also be found on your child’s class page.


    We have also linked websites for further support during these unprecedented times.  These include food bank lists, the latest NHS advice and Government updates.  Please see Useful Links section for more information.


    We wish everyone all the best and to stay safe at this time.

  • Walbrook Nursery Our New Library

    Tue 07 May 2019

    Exciting News!

    A New Library




    In February, our library had a makeover with

    natural colouring designed to create a peaceful

    and relaxing atmosphere.  


    We feel our library should be a quiet

     space to help with relaxation and mindfulness, 

     and a place for the children to spend time

    together and develop close friendships.


    In addition, we refreshed the collection and

    added an array of new books to extend our children’s vocabulary, and brought in some new creative resources such as story character

    puppets to encourage imaginative storytelling.


    We are proud to showcase our new library,

    as a school we promote opportunities to encourage children to develop a love of reading.


    Below are some pictures showcasing the learning

    taking place in our new library.

  • Walbrook Nursery LPPA Award 2018 Wed 05 Dec 2018

    Sat 15 Dec 2018

    Exciting News!

    Leading Parent Partnership Award



    We are delighted to present our LPPA recognised award in acknowledgment of working in close partnership with parents.


    Parents as partners is our school philosophy in ensuring that all children reach their

    true potential at our school.


    We pride ourselves in facilitating a range of school activities where by parents join us at school to celebrate their children’s learning and successes.

  • LPPA Award 2018

    Wed 28 Nov 2018

    Exciting News!

    Leading Parent Partnership Award



    We are delighted to present our LPPA recognised award in acknowledgment of working in close partnership with parents.


    Parents as partners is our school philosophy in

    ensuring that all children reach their true

    potential at our school.


    We pride ourselves in facilitating a range of school activities where by parents join us at school to celebrate

    their children’s learning and successes.


  • Yoga Bugs Award 2018

    Wed 28 Nov 2018

    Pear Tree Infants School

    Yoga Bugs Award



    As a school community we are delighted to showcase

    our Yoga Bugs certification of

    attendance and completion.


    The well being of our pupils has been further

    enhanced through Yoga.


